The ultimate engagement report for member attendance using Excel pivot tables + OneTap reports

Hi OneTap community,

Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful tools that many of us are familiar with.

So let’s stack that on top of OneTap to unleash the power of Excel pivot tables for in-depth Analysis of your organization’s attendance.

  • Grant reports
  • Understand business performance
  • Make data-driven decisions to improve classes and programs
  • Understand your organization’s demographics
  • Report to higher management
  • Share stats with the public about your organization’s impact on the community

What are pivot tables?

Excel pivot tables are an incredibly powerful tool for analyzing large datasets, providing you with the ability to summarize, analyze, and interpret your product’s reports in a meaningful way. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use Excel pivot tables to gain powerful insights from your product’s reports, helping you make data-driven decisions that can improve your events, classes, programs and services.

Step 1: Export OneTap Reports

First, you will need to export reports out of OneTap into to an Excel file. Head to the the Dashboard, then click on “Export Attendance” (on the lists page), Full report (all time).

Step 2: Organize and Prepare Your Data

Once you’ve exported your data, make sure it’s organized in a clear, structured format, with each column containing a specific data field. It’s essential that your data is consistent, accurate, and up-to-date, as this will ensure you get the most relevant insights from your pivot table analysis.

Step 3: Create a Pivot Table

  • Open your Excel file with your product’s report data.
  • Click on any cell within your data range.
  • Go to the “Insert” tab and click on “PivotTable.”

In the “Create PivotTable” dialog box, ensure the correct data range is selected, and choose where you want to place your pivot table (either in a new worksheet or an existing one).

Click “OK” to create your pivot table.

Step 4: Customize Your Pivot Table

Now that you’ve created your pivot table, it’s time to customize it to get the insights you need. You can do this by dragging and dropping fields from your data into the “Rows,” “Columns,” “Values,” and “Filters” sections of the PivotTable Fields pane.

For example, if you want to analyze attendance by class/event and group (a group the member belongs to), you could:

Step 5: Apply Filters and Slicers

You can further refine your pivot table by applying filters and slicers. Filters allow you to display only specific data points within your table, while slicers provide a visual way to filter your data, making it easier to understand and analyze.

To apply filters:

Drag the field you’d like to filter to the “Filters” area in the PivotTable Fields pane.
Click on the filter drop-down arrow and select the values you’d like to display.

To add slicers:

  • Select any cell within your pivot table.
  • Go to the “PivotTable Analyze” tab and click on “Insert Slicer.”
  • Choose the fields you’d like to add as slicers and click “OK.”
  • Arrange the slicers on your worksheet and use them to filter your data.


By leveraging the power of Excel pivot tables with your product’s reports, you can uncover valuable insights and trends that may not be immediately apparent. With these insights, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your programs, classes, and membership engagement activities.

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