New Feature: List Report

Many customers, primarily in the education space like universities and schools, have asked for a list report.

A report that can show the following:

  1. Reports by class (by list), for each class, how many total absences per student.
  2. How many classes has Karsh missed for Algebra?
  3. How many times was Suzy late for class?

This handy report is available for teachers, professors and other professionals on our dashboard.

onetap list report content

The excel download show the following

  1. All students in the class (i.e. recurring list)
  2. How many times a student has checked-in, how many classes they missed
  3. All numbers are for inside the time range you specify (e.g. last year, last 3 months)

To download the report, head to the export attendance modal and select List Report.